Effectiveness of Multimodal Interventions Play Therapy: Colouring and Origami Against Anxiety Levels in Toddler Ages

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Helmi Juwita


Anxiety is the most common feeling experienced by pediatric patients, especially toddler age (1-3 years) who are hospitalized. Anxiety behavior in toddler age children during hospitalization consists of crying, shouting, refusing to take action, expressing fear, unwillingness to be approached, not wanting to be left behind by parents and unwilling to be approached by nurses or health workers. One effort that can be done to reduce anxiety is through play therapy: colouring and origami activities. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of multimodal interventions play therapy: colouring and origami on anxiety levels in toddler age children. This research is a type of experimental research with a pretest-posttest one group design. Purposive sampling technique was used to recruit 20 children which comprised 10 children in control group and 10 children treatment group. The research instrument used an observation sheet which was modified by Kurniawati.The data was analyzed using paired t test and independent test. The study shows there are significant differences in the level of anxiety scores between the intervention group and the control group, where level of anxiety in intervention group is lower than control group. Therefore, the study indicates that multimodal interventions play therapy: colouring and origami are effective against anxiety levels in toddler age children.


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How to Cite
Juwita, H. (2019). Effectiveness of Multimodal Interventions Play Therapy: Colouring and Origami Against Anxiety Levels in Toddler Ages. Journal of Health Science and Prevention, 3(3S), 46–51. https://doi.org/10.29080/jhsp.v3i3S.288
Author Biography

Helmi Juwita, UIN Alauddin Makassar

Medical and Health Sciences Faculty


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