The Correlation between Second Stage (Childbearing) Family Development Task with Completeness of Polio Immunization in Working Area of Wara Utara KotaPublic Health Center in 2018

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Ratnasari Iskandar
Nur Aspina R Djano
Rahmah Tahir


Background: The second stage of family development refers to the stage when a baby was born in a family of new couples. The second phase of the family starts from the birth of the first child until the baby becomes months old. This stage has a health concern in the fulfillment of its development task; namely, a type of primary immunization that is Polio immunization given completely in infants aged 1 - 4 months old. Objective: to know the correlation of family development second stage task (childbearing family) with the of Polio immunization in infants in the Area of Wara Utara KotaPublic Health Centers in 2018. Method: This research used cross-sectional analytical correlation emphasizing on the time of measurement/observation of independent and dependent variable data assessed on a one time simultaneous basis. The population of this research was families with second stage . The sample was 74 people a purposive sampling method. Data analysis by Chi-Square test. Results: The result of statistical analysis resulted in = 0,002 <α = 0,05, so there was a correlation between family development task with the of Polio immunization. Conclusion: Second stage family development task is the transition stage of the individual role, become parents/a parent and form a permanent system. This stage has attention health in fulfilling tasks development, especially Immunization.


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How to Cite
Iskandar, R., R Djano, N. A., & Tahir, R. (2019). The Correlation between Second Stage (Childbearing) Family Development Task with Completeness of Polio Immunization in Working Area of Wara Utara KotaPublic Health Center in 2018. Journal of Health Science and Prevention, 3(3S), 52–56.
Author Biographies

Ratnasari Iskandar, STIKES Mega Buana Palopo

Ners Profession

Nur Aspina R Djano, STIKES Mega Buana Palopo

Public Health

Rahmah Tahir, STIKES Mega Buana Palopo

Public Health


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