JHSP is an Open Access, blind peer-reviewed, biannual journal in the field of public health sciences and prevention. The journal aims to stimulate the dissemination of knowledge in the public health field, to improve the efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of public health interventions for improving populations health outcomes. JHSP publish by Health Science Consortium of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in collaboration with PERSAKMI. In this issue, we discuss public health, organic waste degradation, family support, Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Severe and Critical COVID-19, Hypertension Pregnancy, women survivor of online gender based violence, nurse anxiety, stunting,  Food service and Dengue Heart Fever.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29080/jhsp.v7i1

Published: 2023-05-25

Effectiveness of Organic Waste Degradation Level using the Black Soldier Fly Maggot

Marsha Savira Agatha Putri, Mufid Dahlan, Wahyuni, Anik Fadlilah, Sani Rusminah, Muhammad Chusnul Khitam, Yulia Putri Yani, Elly Ahsan, Rosyad Haqiqi


Nurse Anxiety Levels and Caring Behavior during the COVID-19

Zainal Abidin, Grido Handoko, Farida Nur Aini


Stunting Countermeasures Intervention Model in Remote Areas of Banyuwangi Regency East Java

Mei Lina Fitri Kumalasari, Estri Kusumawati, Moch. Irfan Hadi


Characteristics, 3M Behavior, and Climate Factors with Cases of Dengue Heart Fever (DHF) in Indonesia (Literature Review 2015-2021)

Franky Darmawan , Lilis Sulistyorini, H. J Mukono, Soedjajadi Keman, Yudied Agung Mirasa
