The Moderating Role of Adversity Quotient in The Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Orientation to Future Work among University Students


  • Dina Rahmawati UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Zamroni Universitas Negeri Malang



Achievement Motivation, Orientation to Future Work, Adversity Quotient, University students


Work is one of the basic needs of humans that should be that should be pursued. During the study, University students must prepare their career by developing plans and strategies to pursue a desired career and a dream job once they graduate from university despite many challenges and obstacles. To do this, university students need adversity quotient skills to be able to get through all the difficulties. This study aims to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and orientation to the future career among university students and to examine whether adversity quotient moderated the relationship between the variables. This study involved 90 students of the at the Faculty of Psychology State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The instruments used were the Achievement Motivation Scale, the Orientation to the Future Career Scale in the Field of Work, and the Adversity Quotient Scale. The results showed a significant correlation between achievement motivation and future orientation in the field of work Furthermore, Adversity quotient was found to moderate the relationship between achievement motivation and orientation to future work among university students.


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, D., & Zamroni. (2023). The Moderating Role of Adversity Quotient in The Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Orientation to Future Work among University Students . Indonesian Psychological Research, 5(2), 112–119.